Business Plan 2020-2023
As with any successful organisation, if it is to grow and continue to be successful, its stakeholders need to have a vision - a vision that remains up to date. For that vision to be properly implemented requires a Business Plan.
Here at U3A Campbelltown South Australia, we review our Business Plan every three years. The Business Plan for 2017-2020 was the outcome of a meeting of members in Term 2, 2016 which was ratified by the Board of Management in Term 4, 2016.
In early March 2020, a review of our Business Plan was undertaken - in the shadow of the COVID-19 pandemic. At subsequent Board Meetings it was agreed to continue in a holding pattern with minor updates for another three years until we have a clear path ahead.
Follow the link to read the Business Plan for 2017-2020.
Download Business Plan