The Prospectus 2025 includes reminders of the conditions and process of membership and a listing and explanation of all the Courses, Groups and Outings to be offered during the year.
You can view the Prospectus below.
Download our Prospectus
You can read it on the new screen, or use one of the icons at the top of that screen to either print it straight away or download it. The easiest thing to do is to right click your mouse, select "Print" or "Save As" and save the form directly to your hard disk ready to print at a later time.
(If you wish to download the form, you will need Adobe Reader. If you don't have Adobe Reader, it can be downloaded [for free] from - you might want to uncheck the optional offer.)
U3A Campbelltown South Australia is covered for Public Liability to the amount of $20 million. You can view the relevant Certificate of Currency here ...